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St Andrew's Anglican Church Moscow<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n\n\n\n
ST ANDREW\u2019S UPDATE FOR WEEK COMMENCING 17th MARCH<\/b>THIS SUNDAY \u2013 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT<\/b>9:00 Morning Prayer (traditional language)11:00 Morning Worship, led by the Youth GroupThe 11 a.m. service will be lived-streamed on our YouTube channel, St. Andrew Anglican Church Moscow: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UCS7NiuDrdix1-gNM3tx3KpQ?app=desktop<\/a> ), and the full order of service can be found here (https:\/\/moscowanglican.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/2024-03-17-Fifth-Sunday-of-Lent.pdf<\/a> ) Children aged 6-12 are welcome to join the Sunday School and there is a play area in the Chapter Room for infants and toddlers, if they need to take a short break from the service.Everyone is welcome to stay for refreshments after the 11 a.m. service. ARE YOU DRIVING TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY?<\/b>The Moscow City Department of Transport has announced that a number of streets in the centre will be closed over this coming weekend. All of the roads immediately round St. Andrew\u2019s will be open, but if you drive past the Kremlin or through the Kitai Gorod area on your normal route to church, please check the published announcements, to ensure you are not delayed (https:\/\/t.me\/DtOperativno\/16512<\/a>)SIMPLE LUNCHES DURING LENT<\/b>Every Sunday in Lent, we will be having a simple soup lunch after the 11 a.m. service, as an opportunity for fellowship and to raise funds for charity. All donations will be divided between the Russian Orthodox Centre for Refugees (whom we supported with our Advent appeal), and Barnabas Fund (which works with persecuted Christians throughout the world). There are only a couple of Sundays left, so let\u2019s make a push to ensure that these two wonderful causes get the maximum possible help from us. Any donation, however small, will make a difference. Please give generously.THE LAVOCHKA NEEDS YOU!<\/b>The Lavochka is our second-hand clothing store, which raises funds for the MPC social outreach programmes. We urgently need volunteers to help open the store, but also to sort through donations and get them ready for re-sale. If you can afford any time \u2013 even if only on an ad hoc basis \u2013 please see Nicolette.HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICES<\/b>All of our services from Palm Sunday to Easter day are listed on the home page of our website and on the notice boards in church.MORNING PRAYER<\/b>is said daily, Monday to Friday at 8:30am in the chapel. It is also live streamed on our YouTube channel, St Andrews Anglican Church Moscow (https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UCS7NiuDrdix1-gNM3tx3KpQ?app=desktop<\/a> ).You can find the text and audio version of Morning Prayer on the 'Daily Prayer' app by Aimer Media, or the Church of England's website (https:\/\/www.churchofengland.org\/prayer-and-worship\/join-us-service-daily-prayer<\/a> ).NEXT WEEK: SUNDAY 24th MARCH \u2013 PALM SUNDAY<\/b>9:00 Morning Prayer (traditional language)11:00 Holy Communion with distribution of palms and processionDuring the vacancy, when we have no permanent chaplain, please contact administrator@standrewsmoscow.org or the wardens: Giles Walker and Pat Szymczak, or our senior administrator Nicolette Kirk.<\/div>\n\n \n \n \n \n \n<\/a>\n