Our Services

Our services are in English and we use the order of service used by the Church of England.

We try to be a home for Christians of whatever tradition, celebrate communion at most services and seek to be faithful to the Bible in our preaching. We long for people to meet with the Lord Jesus and discover the forgiveness, peace, purpose and hope of heaven which he promises all who turn to him.


Sunday 9:00 am  
A service of Morning Prayer using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer without hymns. 

Sunday 11:00 am 
This is our principal Sunday service with hymns, sermon, a play area for small children and activities for older children. Until a new permanent chaplain is appointed, this will usually be a service of Morning Worship, although we hope to be able to offer monthly Communion services, led by visiting clergy. Please see the list of services on our home page for full details. The 11:00 am service is live streamed. .

We serve refreshments after the service.

Details of changes or of special services and events are on our homepage.