Giving in Pounds Sterling (GBP)

If you wish to make your gift to St. Andrew’s in pounds in the UK, then you have several options. Please take time to consider which is best for you.

Giving through the bank

Barclays Bank
Account name: The Diocese in Europe Fund
Account Number: 40317039
Sort-code: 20-06-13
IBAN – GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Swiftbic – BUKBGB22
Reference: MOSCOW/___________________ (your surname)

If making your donation through your own bank, please be sure to write to us at to let us know of your donation and to specify whether it is to be used for general funds or restoration purposes. To take advantage of Gift Aid, you will also need to send this declaration to the Diocese at the address listed on the declaration.

Giving by cheque

If you are sending a cheque, please make it payable to the Diocese in Europe and print out and send this letter with your cheque. The postal address for the Diocese appears on the letter. Please be sure also to complete and send a gift aid form along with your letter and cheque, and to write to us at to let us know of your donation.

Giving to the restoration project through Just Giving

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Here is an overview of Gift Aid, if you require more information about the rules or your eligibility.